- Justin List
- Personal Training Studio dedicated to helping people to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Shopping Tip
Let one of our fitness professionals at Better Bodies on Campbell help with your health fitness program, whatever your needs are. Contact us today and lets get started on a better body for you. Ask for Justin.
Office: 520-318-3488
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween After

I hope you all had a great Halloween. I am sure you worked hard to get into the costume you wore. And I am also sure you got started on some candy. This is the beginning, or could be the beginning of the "holiday bulge". Don't let it happen to you.
Set a plan to counter all those calories. Try adding up all the calories and seeing how far you have to run or walk to burn it off. Think of the calories as gas for your car. X amount of gallons gets you so many miles, Y amount of calories gets you so many minutes of cardio or exercise.
The best way to lose weight is to not gain it, so lets start early. If you want a professional to help you with a plan or program, just let us at Better Bodies on Campbell help. We are the best when it comes to health and fitness and setting goals both long and short term. So let us at Better Bodies on Campbell help you lose that weight, either before you gain it or after you gain it.
For this Novemeber, mention this blog and get 20% off personal training packages paid in full for new members only. All current members, don't forget that you get $100 off your next set of sessions by referring a friend or family member.
If you don't live in Tucson, we can make a program for you over the net as well. So give us a call today at 520-318-3488 or email us at Also, see our website at
Have a great holiday season,
Justin List and the Better Bodies staff.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Can Your Body Handle Your Training?

My question to you today is, can your body handle your training? Have you built the foundation for the exercises and movements that your program consists of? I will give you some good questions to ask yourself or your trainer to see if the exercises you are doing are right for your goals, and if your body can handle them.
One quick way is to ask yourself or your trainer, "why am I doing these exercises"? If you don't know why your doing the exercises that you are doing, I suggest you find out. Especially if you are working hard, putting in the time and effort and seeing no results. Most people do the exercises that they know, rather than the exercises that they should be. If you find yourself here, go seek a professional. A personal training studios will be able to put together a tune up program of maybe 10 to 24 sessions to get you on track for those who are self motivated. It may take longer or more sessions depending upon your fitness level and level of expertise. It is worth the money. Think about all the nonsense you spend money on. We tend to spend more on being unhealthy than we are willing to spend on being healthy. For example; alcohol and appetizers, dessert, unhealthy vacations, snacks, latte's, cigarettes, etc. Think about what your health is worth or what it is worth to have the body you want.
The next question is a tough one. "Can my body handle the exercises I am doing"? Not too many people even think to ask this question. This leads to several other questions. First is, do you get uncomfortably sore from your workouts? I don't meant in the arms or legs, I am talking about an uncomfortable soreness usually not in the intended muscle group. For example, if you do squats and lunges and the next day your hips, low back, and trunk are sore, you probably don't have the proper mechanics to perform the exercise. Or, if certain exercises are uncomfortable to perform? i.e. sit-ups, push ups, squats, lunges, rows. You may not have the stability or mobility to perform these exercises correctly. So what we usually do is struggle through them, hate them, and never get a benefit from them. It is like going to a job you hate and not getting paid. If you fall into this category, I would get to a personal trainer right away that is FMS certified. They will be able to do a full body screen, a lot like an assessment, and see what needs to be done to move correctly again and start getting results. Fit people move well, so lets move well.
Last, if you do not move well, you run the risk of injury. It is forcing the body to move in a way that it has built a resistance to. We can develop movement issues due to mobility, stability, and asymmetries. These can come from sports that are one side dominant like golf, bowling, softball, etc. They can also come from heavy work loads, sitting at a desk in a bad position, injuries, bad habits, car accident, surgeries, etc. Whatever the reason is, you will get greater results and feel better doing it, if you move well.
At my studio, we promote moving well and moving often as taught by the FMS with Gray Cook and Lee Burton. If you have any questions, feel free to call (520-318-3488), email (, find us on Facebook ( or follow us on Twitter ( We are based in Tucson, AZ. and we will do a screen at no cost to you. We have 5 trainers that are trained to do FMS screens.
Have a great day and you can be as healthy as you want to be.
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Friday, July 22, 2011
Shake Up Your Routine
I find that most people use a weight that is too light and they are doing 15 reps. Try raising the weight by 20% and going to 12 reps and increase your sets from 3 to 4 or 5 per exercise.
This should shake up your routine.
For more information on lifting tips, we are easily accessed online or in person.
Phone: 520-318-3488
Monday, June 27, 2011
How to Prepare 6 Meals in 10 Minutes

There are several reasons that people struggle with getting to their goals. Food is the toughest element of a successful program and here at Better Bodies on Campbell, we often hear, “I don’t have enough time to cook all those meals”. I am going to tell you exactly how, with a willingness to learn, and preparation, you can make 6 healthy meals by adding only 10 minutes to your daily routine. This is less time than pressing snooze twice. You can use this routine either in the morning as you get ready for work, or in the evening when you get home. The example I will use is the morning routine.
The key is to take the time to learn and to prepare properly. It would be wonderful to be able to press snooze twice and presto, have 6 meals pop up out of thin air. It is however super easy when you get the hang of it. I typically work about 12 hours a day and have a 30 minute commute each way to work and I do this routine every day.
What you will get out of this new routine is being more productive at work and at home, lose the weight you want and feel better with more energy, have more time in the day, and did I mention you will be saving money?
Things you will need; Tupperware, aluminum foil, and one of the bags you already get from the store when you buy groceries, off course you can upgrade any of these as you like, a pot, a baking sheet, water and seasoning, blender, protein powder, and the food you will cook.
The first thing you do when you wake up is go to the kitchen. Preheat the oven to desired temperature for what you’re going to cook, fish, boneless skinless chicken breast, or steak. Put enough meat on the baking sheet for 2 meals and season both sides. Now put enough eggs in a pot of water for 2 meals and put on high temp. Now make your 2 protein shakes in your magic bullet, one for now and one for later. Put the meat in the oven and set the timer for desired time. This should all take about 5 minutes.
Now go to your normal morning routine. When the timer goes off, turn the meat over and reset the timer. The eggs should be boiling now. It should take only a minute to flip the meat so now we are at about 6 added minutes to your routine.
Proceed with your normal routine again until the timer goes off. Take the meat out of the oven and turn the oven and the stove off. Rinse the eggs with cold water and leave them in the cold water. This again should only take about a minute. So we are at 7 added minutes now.
Now finish getting ready. When you are done getting ready, go to the kitchen and put the meat in foil or Tupperware, put the eggs in Tupperware or a grocery bag, and then put the protein shake, meat, and eggs in your lunch box or bag with your 4 servings of fruit. This should take about 3 minutes to give us only 10 added minutes to your routine.
Now let’s look at what we just did. We made 2 shakes, 2 meals with eggs and fruit, and 2 meals with chicken, fish, or steak and fruit. That is 6 meals with little effort or time. For the fruit, I generally buy fruit that does not have to be cut so I can just pack it and go.
So now you have 6 meals that are very low in fat. To go real lean if weight loss is your goal, use boneless skinless chicken breast or fish. Skip the steak and with the eggs, eat only the whites. For the shakes I recommend a high quality protein (don’t buy cheap protein), 60 calorie almond milk, Strawberries or a peach, and some ground cinnamon. You can use water instead of almond milk to cut more calories. I like to use the magic bullet because the blender is also the cup. This saves time and cleanup.
These meals are a much higher quality than something quick and you don’t have to wait at a drive through. The costs of these meals on average are about $5 or less. That is cheaper in price and better in quality than fast food or a restaurant and much less time consuming.
I like to go to the store daily on my way home from work. This way I am always eating exactly what I want that day and it tastes better than thawing something out which again takes time. If you don’t get a chance to prepare all of your meals, I go to the grocery store as opposed to fast food or a restaurant. I get the salmon or tuna in a bag and fruit.
Good luck and please tell us how you’re doing. If you have more questions, feel free to DM me on Facebook or email us at
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell Personal Training Studio.
Office: 520-318-3488
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Burn 150 to 200 Calories to Start Your Day
Start with 5 minutes of stretching. Toe touches, hurdler stretches, butterfly, and calf stretches. Then go into 15 minutes of jump rope. If you don't have a jump rope, just do the motion. You don't need a rope.
You will elevate your heart rate, and get you ready for the day. You will be awake and have a fantastic day with increased problem solving and a great feeling that you already did some exercise.
Add a nite routine too and double your results. With one workout a day, you will burn the equivalent to almost 20 pounds in a year. Do a morning and nite routine and burn equal to almost 42 pounds of fat in a year.
The key is to not eat these calories back on. Couple this with smart eating choices and portion control, and you will be surprised at how easy it is over time.
For more questions call us at Better Bodies on Campbell at 520-318-3488. Email us at And new members can get a great summer start up package of 6 sessions for $99. Good through July 4th, 2011
Get started today and send your testimonial of your results to post on our new website. It is still in the works so we are looking for some good stories out there. They don't have to be weight loss, it can be anything to do with getting more out of life.
Get fit Tucson,
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Monday, April 18, 2011
Teen Weight Training Class

Who: Teens from the ages of 13 to 18
What: Weight Training class
When: Open Class Sunday’s at 10 a.m. starting June 5th. (Individual or private groups available. Call Justin at 318-3488 or email at )
Where: Better Bodies on Campbell
Why: Injury prevention, Teach proper form of basic lifts, Basic anatomy and food knowledge.
Cost: $150 per person.
Working out is a great place to take control of your body, increase self awareness, develop self esteem, and to have a positive place to spend extra time. This class is a beginning weight training class geared towards the inexperienced lifter or to teens that may have never lifted before. (For advance classes call Justin at 318-3488 for information)
In this class, you will learn; proper form on 19 exercises, basic anatomy, injury prevention, food guidelines and getting over the fear of not knowing what to do in a gym. You will decrease risk of injury and get greater results from your workouts.
As of right now, I will be holding a class on Sunday’s at 10 a.m. starting June 5th. Other times are available upon request. You can also have a private individual, or private group class as well. Just call Justin at 318-3488 or email at You can also find us on Facebook at
The class will be taught by Justin List. Former; (Mr. Hercules California, Mr. Teen Tucson, First in class South West open, Southern Az. High school Champion)
Call and reserve your spot today as space is limited. This will be a great kickoff to summer and the rest of your lives.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tip of the Day 4-15-11

For long hikes, make sure to bring a fresh pair of socks. When the feet heat up and get sweaty, stopping for a short break of water, food, and put a fresh pair of socks on. You will be good to go for another 10 miles.
Justin List
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tip of The Day

Be aware of the "health foods" if your goal is to lose weight. Make sure you are accounting for all the calories you take in in the name of health. So that protein shake, do a calorie calculation including the flax seed, almond milk, piece of fruit, etc. Write down all the inexpedience and add them up. I had a client that did not realize that all that healthy stuff in here shake, flax, kefir, etc. added up to over 800 calories.
Another one are the nuts. One cup of nuts, not a whole lot, is about 840 calories.
Stay healthy and stay fit.
Justin List
Better Bodies on Campbell
Find us on Facebook
Personal training Tucson (520-318-3488)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Portion Control Tips

I have five “portion control” tips for you today. As usual, everything starts with taking into consideration, what is your goal? What is this meal for? i.e., what will you be doing for the next few hours before you eat again? Will you be at work, or be physically active?
It is next to impossible to put one short answer to fit all people with their different lifestyles, fitness goals, sex, age, etc. So I will try to give as much information without being too lengthy to help you make decisions for yourself as an individual. You are unique after all. I am always willing to answer any questions on an individual basis by phone (520)318-3488 or email You can find me on Facebook at BetterBodiesonCampbell.
The first tip is, “eat until you are not hungry. Don’t eat until you are full.” It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signals that you are full. So if you eat until you feel full, you have essentially overeaten for 20 minutes. This is why it is good to eat slowly.
Second, make your plate. You should make your plate according to how much your meal should be. Consciously tell yourself, “This is enough food”. Don’t go back for seconds and don’t set the serving dish on the table. When you set your plate, you’re minimizing the chance of overeating.
Third, plan your meals. You should have a meal plan in some shape or form. At a minimum, you should have a meal schedule. Skipping meals is detrimental to you overall success. So build a meal plan. Know how many meals you can get in a day. This should be 4-6 including snacks. Your schedule will generally dictate how many meals are in a day and days off of work are typically different from work days. There is less structure in terms of schedule so it is harder to eat all your meals and takes more effort. Your total food should be the same at the end of the day, so if you are eating 4 meals a day, your meals will be slightly larger than if you were to eat 6 meals a day.
Fourth, don’t let yourself go hungry. This coincides with planning your meals as you will not be starving if you are getting all of your meals in. When you get too hungry or go too long without a meal, you lose will power. Think about when you are really hungry, high fat and high sugar foods sound the best. Or when you go to the grocery store when you are hungry, you put all the bad stuff in the cart. If you eat your meals regularly, you will increase your will power and have a greater chance for success.
Fifth, don’t eat just for flavor. When flavor is first on your mind, you will have trouble eating healthy because all the flavor is in the fat and sugar. This is not to say that healthy food can’t tastes good, but when you set up a meal, you should be thinking in terms of getting sufficient amounts of protein, carbs, and fats. Over time your pallet will change and the “bland” foods will start tasting good. Don’t be afraid to deny yourself that indulgence. Also, when you are eating properly, you will find that it is actually a lot more food than you realize. For example, some latte’s can be up to 700 calories. That would be equal to 12 oz. of chicken (skinless light) and 2 sweet potatoes. That is two meals worth of food. So a latte is not a very good choice of using your daily calories. Especially since your body does nothing productive with the latte and the chicken and sweet potato meal will help to recover from a workout and build lean muscle that in turn increase metabolism. So think before you spend your calories.
I hope this helps and I am always appreciative of feedback and questions. I put my email and you can find us on Facebook if you would like to know more. And if you live in Tucson and are looking for a great personal training studio, give us a call. Better Bodies on Campbell 318-3488
In good health,
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Monday, April 4, 2011
Weekend Hike at Babad Do'ag Mt. Lemon

Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Office: 318-3488
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Weight Loss Averages and Expectations
It is not easy to lose weight and at the same time it is. If you are doing everything right, it will happen. If you fight it, it won't happen. The formula for losing weight works but there are no short cuts.
There are three components to healthy and successful weight loss. The first and easiest is resistance training. I recommend resistance training anywhere from 2 to 6 days a week depending on your individual goals. If balance, core, joint strength, overall muscular endurance is your goal, then 2 to three full body workouts a week is sufficient. If weight loss, toning and shaping are your main goals, I recommend 3 to 4 times a week with different styles of workouts to fit you as an individual. If muscle and strength gains are your goals, then I recommend 4 to 6 times a week with a split routine. If you have a medical condition or are doing rehabilitation, I would only make recommendations on an individual basis.
Next is cardio. Cardio is the second hardest of the three, and sometimes it is the easiest depending on the individual and their personality. I recommend cardio 4 to 6 times a week, again depending on your individual goals. If weight loss is your most important goal right now, then you want to be closer to 6 times a week.
The third and final is the toughest. The eating. If you have a mind set that you want to be healthy and learn better overall eating habits, you will succeed. Because with this frame of mind, it is easy to say no to chips, soda, snacks, lattes, dessert, etc. Healthy people just don't eat that stuff. So if your frame of mind is to eat a restrictive diet for a short period of time for a great result, well then we have changed nothing and we will gain the weight back. And often times even gain more weight because with a restrictive diet you may slow your metabolism. So I recommend adopting healthy eating habits.
So to give some numbers here on what to expect, as I stated you can lose two pounds a week in a healthy fashion. For this to happen, it is simply a math problem. 2 pounds of fat equals 7,000 calories. So that is 1,000 calories a day. We want to do this by 500 calories coming form caloric intake and the other 500 calories coming from exercise. So you can see that if you are missing on one of the three components, it makes the other two that much more important.
Remember that calories are cumulative so if you overeat by 96 calories a day, that is equal to 10 pounds over a year. Hmmm.. how much is in that latte or desert or glass of wine?
I hope this has been helpful to put some perspective to exercise program and weight loss. If you have any questions just DM me on Facebook, email me at or call us at 520-318-3488
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell