Burn 150-200 calories easily in 20 minutes to jump start your day. When you wake up in the morning, get your breakfast started, coffee if you drink it and then get into a quick 20 minute routine that will burn an extra 150-200 calories. That is close to half a pound in a week and it is easy.
Start with 5 minutes of stretching. Toe touches, hurdler stretches, butterfly, and calf stretches. Then go into 15 minutes of jump rope. If you don't have a jump rope, just do the motion. You don't need a rope.
You will elevate your heart rate, and get you ready for the day. You will be awake and have a fantastic day with increased problem solving and a great feeling that you already did some exercise.
Add a nite routine too and double your results. With one workout a day, you will burn the equivalent to almost 20 pounds in a year. Do a morning and nite routine and burn equal to almost 42 pounds of fat in a year.
The key is to not eat these calories back on. Couple this with smart eating choices and portion control, and you will be surprised at how easy it is over time.
For more questions call us at Better Bodies on Campbell at 520-318-3488. Email us at justin@betterbodiestucson.com. And new members can get a great summer start up package of 6 sessions for $99. Good through July 4th, 2011
Get started today and send your testimonial of your results to post on our new website. www.betterbodiesoncampell.com It is still in the works so we are looking for some good stories out there. They don't have to be weight loss, it can be anything to do with getting more out of life.
Get fit Tucson,
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
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