There are several reasons that people struggle with getting to their goals. Food is the toughest element of a successful program and here at Better Bodies on Campbell, we often hear, “I don’t have enough time to cook all those meals”. I am going to tell you exactly how, with a willingness to learn, and preparation, you can make 6 healthy meals by adding only 10 minutes to your daily routine. This is less time than pressing snooze twice. You can use this routine either in the morning as you get ready for work, or in the evening when you get home. The example I will use is the morning routine.
The key is to take the time to learn and to prepare properly. It would be wonderful to be able to press snooze twice and presto, have 6 meals pop up out of thin air. It is however super easy when you get the hang of it. I typically work about 12 hours a day and have a 30 minute commute each way to work and I do this routine every day.
What you will get out of this new routine is being more productive at work and at home, lose the weight you want and feel better with more energy, have more time in the day, and did I mention you will be saving money?
Things you will need; Tupperware, aluminum foil, and one of the bags you already get from the store when you buy groceries, off course you can upgrade any of these as you like, a pot, a baking sheet, water and seasoning, blender, protein powder, and the food you will cook.
The first thing you do when you wake up is go to the kitchen. Preheat the oven to desired temperature for what you’re going to cook, fish, boneless skinless chicken breast, or steak. Put enough meat on the baking sheet for 2 meals and season both sides. Now put enough eggs in a pot of water for 2 meals and put on high temp. Now make your 2 protein shakes in your magic bullet, one for now and one for later. Put the meat in the oven and set the timer for desired time. This should all take about 5 minutes.
Now go to your normal morning routine. When the timer goes off, turn the meat over and reset the timer. The eggs should be boiling now. It should take only a minute to flip the meat so now we are at about 6 added minutes to your routine.
Proceed with your normal routine again until the timer goes off. Take the meat out of the oven and turn the oven and the stove off. Rinse the eggs with cold water and leave them in the cold water. This again should only take about a minute. So we are at 7 added minutes now.
Now finish getting ready. When you are done getting ready, go to the kitchen and put the meat in foil or Tupperware, put the eggs in Tupperware or a grocery bag, and then put the protein shake, meat, and eggs in your lunch box or bag with your 4 servings of fruit. This should take about 3 minutes to give us only 10 added minutes to your routine.
Now let’s look at what we just did. We made 2 shakes, 2 meals with eggs and fruit, and 2 meals with chicken, fish, or steak and fruit. That is 6 meals with little effort or time. For the fruit, I generally buy fruit that does not have to be cut so I can just pack it and go.
So now you have 6 meals that are very low in fat. To go real lean if weight loss is your goal, use boneless skinless chicken breast or fish. Skip the steak and with the eggs, eat only the whites. For the shakes I recommend a high quality protein (don’t buy cheap protein), 60 calorie almond milk, Strawberries or a peach, and some ground cinnamon. You can use water instead of almond milk to cut more calories. I like to use the magic bullet because the blender is also the cup. This saves time and cleanup.
These meals are a much higher quality than something quick and you don’t have to wait at a drive through. The costs of these meals on average are about $5 or less. That is cheaper in price and better in quality than fast food or a restaurant and much less time consuming.
I like to go to the store daily on my way home from work. This way I am always eating exactly what I want that day and it tastes better than thawing something out which again takes time. If you don’t get a chance to prepare all of your meals, I go to the grocery store as opposed to fast food or a restaurant. I get the salmon or tuna in a bag and fruit.
Good luck and please tell us how you’re doing. If you have more questions, feel free to DM me on Facebook or email us at justin@betterbodiestucson.com
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell Personal Training Studio.
Email: justin@betterbodiestucson.com
Office: 520-318-3488
Facebook: www.facebook.com/betterbodiesoncampbell
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