My question to you today is, can your body handle your training? Have you built the foundation for the exercises and movements that your program consists of? I will give you some good questions to ask yourself or your trainer to see if the exercises you are doing are right for your goals, and if your body can handle them.
One quick way is to ask yourself or your trainer, "why am I doing these exercises"? If you don't know why your doing the exercises that you are doing, I suggest you find out. Especially if you are working hard, putting in the time and effort and seeing no results. Most people do the exercises that they know, rather than the exercises that they should be. If you find yourself here, go seek a professional. A personal training studios will be able to put together a tune up program of maybe 10 to 24 sessions to get you on track for those who are self motivated. It may take longer or more sessions depending upon your fitness level and level of expertise. It is worth the money. Think about all the nonsense you spend money on. We tend to spend more on being unhealthy than we are willing to spend on being healthy. For example; alcohol and appetizers, dessert, unhealthy vacations, snacks, latte's, cigarettes, etc. Think about what your health is worth or what it is worth to have the body you want.
The next question is a tough one. "Can my body handle the exercises I am doing"? Not too many people even think to ask this question. This leads to several other questions. First is, do you get uncomfortably sore from your workouts? I don't meant in the arms or legs, I am talking about an uncomfortable soreness usually not in the intended muscle group. For example, if you do squats and lunges and the next day your hips, low back, and trunk are sore, you probably don't have the proper mechanics to perform the exercise. Or, if certain exercises are uncomfortable to perform? i.e. sit-ups, push ups, squats, lunges, rows. You may not have the stability or mobility to perform these exercises correctly. So what we usually do is struggle through them, hate them, and never get a benefit from them. It is like going to a job you hate and not getting paid. If you fall into this category, I would get to a personal trainer right away that is FMS certified. They will be able to do a full body screen, a lot like an assessment, and see what needs to be done to move correctly again and start getting results. Fit people move well, so lets move well.
Last, if you do not move well, you run the risk of injury. It is forcing the body to move in a way that it has built a resistance to. We can develop movement issues due to mobility, stability, and asymmetries. These can come from sports that are one side dominant like golf, bowling, softball, etc. They can also come from heavy work loads, sitting at a desk in a bad position, injuries, bad habits, car accident, surgeries, etc. Whatever the reason is, you will get greater results and feel better doing it, if you move well.
At my studio, we promote moving well and moving often as taught by the FMS with Gray Cook and Lee Burton. If you have any questions, feel free to call (520-318-3488), email (justin@betterbodiestucson.com), find us on Facebook (facebook.com/betterbodiesoncampbell) or follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/betterbodiestuc) We are based in Tucson, AZ. and we will do a screen at no cost to you. We have 5 trainers that are trained to do FMS screens.
Have a great day and you can be as healthy as you want to be.
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Email: justin@betterbodiesoncampbell.com
Facebook: facebook.com/betterbodiesoncampbell
Twitter: twitter.com/betterbodiestuc
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