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Personal Training Studio dedicated to helping people to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Years is Upon Us

Hello everyone,

I am starting my first New Years Promotion. I know it is early but why wait until we put on weight. This is a referral program good until January 15th 2008. Anyone that comes in and signs up for a package using your name, You, not them, will get $300 off of your next purchase of 24 or more sessions of regular price. Not valid with any other specials or discounts. If you like, you can give this savings to them at the time of their purchase instead of using it yourself. A $300 gift to someone that doesn't cost you a dime.

I also want to challenge you all to a personal contest. Goals are very important to have and what better than the end of 08. What a year we have all had to endure. I want you to reflect on the fitness goals you had for 08 and see where you are. If you have met them then great. Nice work and you deserve a big pat on the back. Good job!

If you haven't met your goals, get with your trainer and re-establish them. If your goal is weight loss, then I want you to think about how much weight you gained last holiday season. Now it sounds funny, but not gaining weight is the same as losing weight if normally you gain weight this time of year.

Did you know that at least half of the weight, if not all of the weight, we will make a resolution about losing is gained this time of year. So get off your butt, stop using the holiday season as an excuse, be a good example to family members and co-workers and let’s make some progress. Who is with me?


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love it! No excuse this holiday season. (Here's the post I was telling you & Steve about last night: