- Justin List
- Personal Training Studio dedicated to helping people to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Good luck
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
New Trainer Scott

We have a new trainer here at Better Bodies on Campbell.
Scott Holguin and he comes with 23 years experience and specializes in getting the best body you have ever had. With a background in bodybuilding and powerlifting, he also specializes in many medical areas such as injury rehab, diabetes, arthritis, cognitive function training, and other medical issues. If you or someone you love suffers from pain and simply wants more out of life, call, DM, or email now. 318-3488 or email
And if you want to get in the best shape of your life, I have one question, what are you waiting for. Call today to set up a free trial. 318-3488 or email
Please forward to anyone that may benefit from Scott"s expertise. He will fill up fast so don't wait. Justin List 318-3488 |
Friday, September 3, 2010
Labor Day 2010

Good morning. Labor Day weekend is here. What are you doing? Hopefully you have planned something active to burn some of those BBQ calories. Plan a run, swim, bike ride, or workout. Or one of each. Make a contest with your friends of who can do the most activities. Remember that what you do is who you are, and you define yourself by your activities and the people in which you surround yourself with.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
60 pound weight loss 8-2010
I started coming to Better Bodies a few months after I graduated from college. At a time where I should’ve been excited about conquering the world I was suffocating under a lifestyle of excess, self-doubt and over a hundred pounds of extra baggage. I consulted with a few surgeons about weight loss surgery but my inner warrior wanted a full on battle against the obstacles I had built for myself…..that and I also had watched “Pumping Iron” for the first time and wanted to manifest that buff dude gym atmosphere into my own life. So I did just that….I dawned my multicolored sweatbands, signed a contract, and made a pact with myself to fight hard and get stronger everyday. I sacrificed my party lifestyle and am now conscience of everything I take into my body. Now, a year later, I feel more rewarded than any degree could make me feel. I’ve shed about 60lbs and 28 inches and gained tons of energy and strength. I am literally a juggernaut of power and I’m confident that my body and mind are more in balance than ever.
Working out is so rad at Better Bodies, its like a clubhouse of really fun people and be it trainer or trainee everyone has the zaniest sense of humor. Exercising with my trainer Will is constant laughs and he’s more of a big brother than anything. We cross hurdles together and I’m confident that without his effort towards my transformation I would have given up a long time ago. Trainers don’t let you throw in the towel though, and it’s such a positive thing having someone by your side through the battle. No matter how far I come in this journey, Better Bodies will always be my foundation and with that I know whole-heartedly that I will triumph.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Muscle Memory
If you are young, the time will come that you will not get your exercise the way you want to. So read this article about resistance training or weight training and let's get moving.
If you are in the middle of not being able to exercise due to "life", then let's get started on at least a couple of times a week and play off of the muscle memory.
If you are past the "life is too busy" stage and are ready to get your "best shape body" back, give me a call and lets get started.
See this link to read the article. Click Here
Call (318-3488) or email Justin today to schedule and appointment or ask any questions.( or see us on Facebook
Justin List
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fall 2010 Contest
In 100 words or less, write why you or someone you know deserves 12 free sessions at Better Bodies on Campbell. To enter you must have the following: (1) Be a fan of the Better Bodies Page. Go to Better Bodies Campbell at Facebook (2) Be willing to submit a before and after photo. (3) Complete the 12 sessions within a 30 day (one month) period. (4) If medical conditions exist, you must have a doctors release. (5) Submit a valid email address and phone number.
The winner will be chosen the week of Labor Day 2010.
Good Luck to all. If you have any questions, Call or email Justin at or 318-3488
Justin List
Better Bodies on Campbell
Quick Label Guide
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Oatmeal Cookie Protein Shake
1-2 scoops Protein(depending on how many grams of protein you need)
1 Tbsp Peanut butter(for taste and essential fats. Almond butter is
a better replacement)
1/2 cup Quick oats (low fat carbohydrate source)
6-8oz. Almond milk (or water but I don't recommend milk)
1/2 tsp Cinnamon (For flavor and health benefits).
See article for (Health Benefits of cinnamon)
Directions: Put almond milk and ice in blender and mix. Then add protein, next add oats, then peanut butter, and last add the cinnamon.
Tip: While getting ready in the morning, put some eggs to hard boil. Easy to multi-task. Boil enough for two meals. Now take the eggs and two pieces of fruit with you and you are on your way with 3 meals that are low in fat, high in protein, and a great source of carbs. Watch the weight go down and the tone come out.
Take it one step further and have a shake again for meal #4 and then a sensible dinner. Now you have 5 meals with very little effort and very little fat. Eating well with a regular exercise routine is recommended for optimal results.
Have a meal idea of your own? Please share.
To find a personal trainer in Tucson, Call or email Justin at Better Bodies on Campbell. 318-3488 or
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
2010 Western Regional Fitness and Bodybuilding Competition
Monday, July 26, 2010
Phoenix Marathon and 1/2 Jan. 16, 2011
Any Better Bodies on Campbell clients participating in the event will get a free personal training session. If you are not a current client, call (318-3488) or email Justin ( today for special packages to get ready for the event.
For more information or registration form, call 1-800-708-2740 or go to
Get in the best shape of your life. Better Bodies on Campbell.
Las Vegas Marathon and 1/2
This event is to benefit crohn's and colitis foundation of America. There will be a fitness expo as well.
All Better Bodies on Campbell clients participating in this event get a free session. Also, we have special packages to get ready for the event.
Get in the best shape of your life and call or email Justin today. 318-3488 or
Rock'n'Roll Denver Marathon 2010
Packages are available to prepare for the event at Better Bodies on Campbell. You can call or email justin at 318-3488,
Get in the best shape you your life and look and feel better.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Weight Loss Leader
Monday, June 14, 2010
Fruit with Health

There are some really great fruits in season right now. If you have seen my personal meal plan, you will see that fruit is a big part of my food intake. I will tell you why it is a big part of my fitness and exercise program and how fruit helps me to maintain a low percent body fat year round.
First, fruit is low in calories. Take a peach for example. A peach has about 42 calories. It also has no fat.
Next, most fruits have very good enzymes for digestion. This will help you to digest proteins and fats better. I can guarantee that if you put fruit with every meal and get rid of the starches, breads, rice, pasta, etc, you will flatten your stomach and lose between 5 and 15 pounds in a week or two. Results will be higher if you exercise, cut out soda, coffee drinks, and alcohol. I know it sounds tough, but wouldn't having a flat stomach and feeling better be worth it?
Last, fruit is burned in two stages so if you have blood sugar issues, you won't get the big insulin spike and crash from a heavy lunch. Your energy is higher and more constant with fruit. You will exercise better, have better brain function, and perform better at work, school, and play. You will thank me for it on your next vacation.
Some comparisons: Peach = 42 calories
Orange = 62 calories
papaya = 117 calories (papaya has digestive properties so good that they make it in a supplemental form)
Now to compare 2oz. spaghetti = 200 calories
1/2 C. brown rice = 350 calories
1/2 C. quinoa = 320 calories
1 English muffin = 130 calories
2 slices pumpernickel = 160 calories
So you can see that you can greatly decrease your total caloric intake by simply modifying your food selection. On average of the foods I have listed, you reduce your calories by 216 calories per meal. At three meals a day, this equals 648 calories a day, 4,536 calories a week (over one pound), and 235,872 calories a year (67 pounds).
This is why we are gaining weight, or not losing weight even though we are exercising. You have to exercise vigorously for over and hour just to break even. This can be very frustrating and lead to crash dieting or giving up all together.
I would recommend making some food changes for the summer, even if it is one or two meals a day and keeping up on your exercise routine. If you are not exercising now and want some information just call or email and you can talk to a personal trainer and get some advise. Don't work harder, work smarter.
Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Justin's Personal Meal Plan

I gave a breakdown with and without calculating unsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
1)Shake with 8oz. Almond milk
Protein 46gm
Carbs 84gm
Sat. Fats 1gm
Total Calories: 550 calories
2) 2 Whole eggs, 4 egg whites (hard boiled), Banana
Protein 26gm
Carbs 29gm
Sat. Fats 3.5gm
Total Calories: 256 calories
3) 2 Whole eggs, 4 egg whites (hard boiled), 2 c. cherries
Protein 29gm
Carbs 51gm
Sat. Fats 4gm
Total Calories: 355 calories
4) Shake with Water
Protein 46gm
Carbs 84gm
Sat. Fats 1gm
Total Calories: 529 Calories
5) 8oz. Chicken breast and 3 C. water melon
Protein 48gm
Carbs 35gm
Sat. Fats 1gm
Total Calories: 343 Calories
6) 8oz. Chicken breast and 2 peaches
Protein 46gm
Carbs 19gm
Sat. Fat 1gm
Total Calories: 272 Calories
7) Shake with water
Protein 46gm
Carbs 84gm
Sat. Fat 1gm
Total Calories: 529 calories
8) 8oz. Salmon spinach salad/oil and vinegar
Protein 45gm
Carbs 0gm
Sat. Fat 4gm
Total Calories: 216 Calories
Total Breakdown and % of total Calories
Protein 334gm (44% of total calories)
Carbs 389gm (51% of total calories)
Sat. Fats 18gm (5% of total calories)
Total Calories 3,050
Calculated with all the fats
Protein 334gm (37% of total calories)
Carbs. 389gm (43% of total calories)
All fats 83gm (20% of total calories)
Total Calories 3,634
All my meals and food have a purpose. Most important I make sure that I have plenty of protein for muscle repair, joint strength, enzyme production, etc. I try to get between 1.5gm to 2gm of protein per lean body mass. A lot of professionals will give different amounts. I am taking into consideration that I am in an exercise program and I use lean body mass as opposed to total body weight because I don't want to feed the fat. Next I make sure that I get plenty of carbs for energy. Preferably from fruit to reduce the insulin spike. I will sometimes put in a starch instead of fruit for pre-workout or post workout meals. Here I am looking for the insulin spike for energy, greater protein absorption, and glycogen repair. Last I limit the fats. If you are burning calories you are using up carbs and fat. So you are eliminating them from your body. Of course we will put them back in since we must eat, but it is out with the bad and in with the good. Why burn calories only to replace them with more fat calories. Talk about the definition of insanity.
You want to burn calories, repair lean tissue, and limit fat intake. Work on this as you don't learn anything overnight. You don't go to class on the first day and know it all. You simply get an outline and then over the course of the semester you learn it. Then you go into the real world and apply and really learn a skill. Same with eating right. Do what you can handle and be patient. A good meal plan is a work in progress for the rest of your life. You will always have challenges so do not get discouraged. Just learn how to overcome that obstacle for the next time like a road trip and fast food. Next time prepare better. Bring an ice chest and protein shakes. If you have any questions about exercise programs, weight loss, meal plans, losing inches, repairing an injury, or how to find a great personal trainer, you can call or email me.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Better Bodies First Annual Fitness Challenge

The competition was put together by client request to see where they stand in their fitness level. There were some basic lifts and some endurance categories that you could enter the events that you wanted to test yourself in.

Better Bodies fitness professional, Evan List organized and put together the event and plans on making it a semi-annual event. Open to all Better Bodies clients, the event was a hit and gained much in for the Fall competition.

Thank you to all the participants and we look forward to a great fall competition. For information on becoming a Better Bodies client or on the next event, contact Justin List at 318-3488 or visit us online at

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fitness for Who?
There is a simple answer. It is that there is no “one size fits all.” The key is to find out what works for you. Personality traits, background, work load, schedule, stress levels, heath issues, medications, workout goals and intensity, psychological perceptions and issues are just some of the factors that come into play when developing a program for you.
This may sound difficult, but it is not, if you take the time to let it develop. When we force things, we try to put everything together and make it fit. It is uncomfortable and we can put up with it for a while. Then suddenly it is like putting too many springs in a jar and it explodes everywhere. It is a process and you need to be patient with it. Do you become a professional or an expert overnight? No. It takes time. So here are a few tips to help you become a professional with yourself.
You always want to ask, who the speaker is talking too? Who is his or her intended audience and what are their goals? Ask the five essay questions; who, what, when, where, and why? These simple questions will usually tell you if you should even continue listening or reading.
First you need to know you. What do you want? Are you active? What are your goals and what type of exercise does your program consist of? The most common mistake that I see is that a program is not consistent with the goal or desired outcome. Imagine going to law school to become a doctor or going to basketball practice to be better at golf. It sounds silly but really I see it day in and day out.
From here you can start developing your program. I never put a client with a trainer without first finding out about the client. The initial consultation with me is the most important beginning. There are a lot of good trainers but that does not mean that they will all work for you. Same with your program. How many times have you tried working out with a friend and then you both quit. One is more motivated or your goals and desired differ. If you like swimming and your friend likes running, your chances for success are greatly compromised.
Usually being active is the first step. Do what you enjoy. If you do not enjoy physical activity, get a trainer. Just about every professional athlete uses a trainer and most professionals in the work force have colleges, mentors or advisors. I am sure that I am capable of doing my own taxes. I don’t have an interest and I use my time doing other things so I have a C.P.A.
Last, be very weary of anyone who promises you great success with little effort. Health, fitness, and wellbeing are like anything in life. There is no get rich quick plans, no 1 year college degree, and lose weight fast plan. On a healthy level you can lose 2 pounds a week. Can you lose faster? Yes. We are all aware of the weight loss in the biggest loser. And you can lose 16 pounds or so by swimming the English Channel. You can take steroids to gain muscle faster, you can get rich quick by winning the lottery and others are very successful without a college degree.
It is always best to learn from a teacher and not a salesman.
Justin List
JayTay’s Fitness(for a better life)