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Personal Training Studio dedicated to helping people to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

60 pound weight loss 8-2010

I started coming to Better Bodies a few months after I graduated from college. At a time where I should’ve been excited about conquering the world I was suffocating under a lifestyle of excess, self-doubt and over a hundred pounds of extra baggage. I consulted with a few surgeons about weight loss surgery but my inner warrior wanted a full on battle against the obstacles I had built for myself…..that and I also had watched “Pumping Iron” for the first time and wanted to manifest that buff dude gym atmosphere into my own life. So I did just that….I dawned my multicolored sweatbands, signed a contract, and made a pact with myself to fight hard and get stronger everyday. I sacrificed my party lifestyle and am now conscience of everything I take into my body. Now, a year later, I feel more rewarded than any degree could make me feel. I’ve shed about 60lbs and 28 inches and gained tons of energy and strength. I am literally a juggernaut of power and I’m confident that my body and mind are more in balance than ever.

Working out is so rad at Better Bodies, its like a clubhouse of really fun people and be it trainer or trainee everyone has the zaniest sense of humor. Exercising with my trainer Will is constant laughs and he’s more of a big brother than anything. We cross hurdles together and I’m confident that without his effort towards my transformation I would have given up a long time ago. Trainers don’t let you throw in the towel though, and it’s such a positive thing having someone by your side through the battle. No matter how far I come in this journey, Better Bodies will always be my foundation and with that I know whole-heartedly that I will triumph.


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