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Personal Training Studio dedicated to helping people to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Teen Weight Training Class

Who: Teens from the ages of 13 to 18

What: Weight Training class

When: Open Class Sunday’s at 10 a.m. starting June 5th. (Individual or private groups available. Call Justin at 318-3488 or email at )

Where: Better Bodies on Campbell

Why: Injury prevention, Teach proper form of basic lifts, Basic anatomy and food knowledge.

Cost: $150 per person.

Working out is a great place to take control of your body, increase self awareness, develop self esteem, and to have a positive place to spend extra time. This class is a beginning weight training class geared towards the inexperienced lifter or to teens that may have never lifted before. (For advance classes call Justin at 318-3488 for information)

In this class, you will learn; proper form on 19 exercises, basic anatomy, injury prevention, food guidelines and getting over the fear of not knowing what to do in a gym. You will decrease risk of injury and get greater results from your workouts.

As of right now, I will be holding a class on Sunday’s at 10 a.m. starting June 5th. Other times are available upon request. You can also have a private individual, or private group class as well. Just call Justin at 318-3488 or email at You can also find us on Facebook at

The class will be taught by Justin List. Former; (Mr. Hercules California, Mr. Teen Tucson, First in class South West open, Southern Az. High school Champion)

Call and reserve your spot today as space is limited. This will be a great kickoff to summer and the rest of your lives.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tip of the Day 4-15-11

For long hikes, make sure to bring a fresh pair of socks. When the feet heat up and get sweaty, stopping for a short break of water, food, and put a fresh pair of socks on. You will be good to go for another 10 miles.

Justin List

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tip of The Day

Be aware of the "health foods" if your goal is to lose weight. Make sure you are accounting for all the calories you take in in the name of health. So that protein shake, do a calorie calculation including the flax seed, almond milk, piece of fruit, etc. Write down all the inexpedience and add them up. I had a client that did not realize that all that healthy stuff in here shake, flax, kefir, etc. added up to over 800 calories.

Another one are the nuts. One cup of nuts, not a whole lot, is about 840 calories.

Stay healthy and stay fit.

Justin List
Better Bodies on Campbell
Find us on Facebook
Personal training Tucson (520-318-3488)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Portion Control Tips

I have five “portion control” tips for you today. As usual, everything starts with taking into consideration, what is your goal? What is this meal for? i.e., what will you be doing for the next few hours before you eat again? Will you be at work, or be physically active?

It is next to impossible to put one short answer to fit all people with their different lifestyles, fitness goals, sex, age, etc. So I will try to give as much information without being too lengthy to help you make decisions for yourself as an individual. You are unique after all. I am always willing to answer any questions on an individual basis by phone (520)318-3488 or email You can find me on Facebook at BetterBodiesonCampbell.

The first tip is, “eat until you are not hungry. Don’t eat until you are full.” It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signals that you are full. So if you eat until you feel full, you have essentially overeaten for 20 minutes. This is why it is good to eat slowly.

Second, make your plate. You should make your plate according to how much your meal should be. Consciously tell yourself, “This is enough food”. Don’t go back for seconds and don’t set the serving dish on the table. When you set your plate, you’re minimizing the chance of overeating.

Third, plan your meals. You should have a meal plan in some shape or form. At a minimum, you should have a meal schedule. Skipping meals is detrimental to you overall success. So build a meal plan. Know how many meals you can get in a day. This should be 4-6 including snacks. Your schedule will generally dictate how many meals are in a day and days off of work are typically different from work days. There is less structure in terms of schedule so it is harder to eat all your meals and takes more effort. Your total food should be the same at the end of the day, so if you are eating 4 meals a day, your meals will be slightly larger than if you were to eat 6 meals a day.

Fourth, don’t let yourself go hungry. This coincides with planning your meals as you will not be starving if you are getting all of your meals in. When you get too hungry or go too long without a meal, you lose will power. Think about when you are really hungry, high fat and high sugar foods sound the best. Or when you go to the grocery store when you are hungry, you put all the bad stuff in the cart. If you eat your meals regularly, you will increase your will power and have a greater chance for success.

Fifth, don’t eat just for flavor. When flavor is first on your mind, you will have trouble eating healthy because all the flavor is in the fat and sugar. This is not to say that healthy food can’t tastes good, but when you set up a meal, you should be thinking in terms of getting sufficient amounts of protein, carbs, and fats. Over time your pallet will change and the “bland” foods will start tasting good. Don’t be afraid to deny yourself that indulgence. Also, when you are eating properly, you will find that it is actually a lot more food than you realize. For example, some latte’s can be up to 700 calories. That would be equal to 12 oz. of chicken (skinless light) and 2 sweet potatoes. That is two meals worth of food. So a latte is not a very good choice of using your daily calories. Especially since your body does nothing productive with the latte and the chicken and sweet potato meal will help to recover from a workout and build lean muscle that in turn increase metabolism. So think before you spend your calories.

I hope this helps and I am always appreciative of feedback and questions. I put my email and you can find us on Facebook if you would like to know more. And if you live in Tucson and are looking for a great personal training studio, give us a call. Better Bodies on Campbell 318-3488

In good health,

Justin List

Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekend Hike at Babad Do'ag Mt. Lemon

What a beautiful morning yesterday. Jonas and I hit the trail at 7:o4 and we finished at exactly 8:o4a.m. It is a quick hike but makes for a great start for the day.
The trail is fairly steep but not too tough. I would say moderate in intensity. You can really get your heart rate up high if you like for a good cardio workout.
With all of the scenery it is difficult not to want to stop and take some pictures. I took 26 pictures and here are a few.
What did you do this weekend Tucson? I hope you got to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Tell us about it here at Better Bodies on Campbell.
You can also find us on Facebook and you will find the rest of the pictures from this hike. And I encourage you to share there as well.
Stay fit Tucson and were shall we go next weekend? What are you doing to stay in shape or to enjoy your current fitness level?
DM me on Facebook, Email me at, or give us a call at 318-3488 as we can set up programs for all walks of life and all goals whether it is a medical issue or to be able to hike again. Even for weight loss or toning and shaping and for events such as marathon's, long bike rides etc. Let's do life Tucson.
Enjoy your week and this great weather.

Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell
Office: 318-3488