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Personal Training Studio dedicated to helping people to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Valgus Knee Wrap-Up

The part 3 of the valgus knee is a video and very technical.  So I have received feedback that my posts need to be more to the point.  So in short, valgus knee collapse is a key indicator of risk for injury to the ACL or the knee in general.  It can be corrected with specific movement patterns and exercise and it is more prevalent in females than males due to the hip being wider in the female gender creating an inward direction of the legs and knee.  So in recent times, more females are getting to elite status in sports and there are a lot of knee issues in the female athlete.  You can spot this by looking at the knees as someone lands or jumps.

If this is an issue for you or anyone you know at any age that is in sports, either recreational or competitive, we can set up a program to start correcting this issue and keep you off the oporating table and in the game.

Contact me today at 520-318-3488 or by email at or DM me on Facebook and you can also visit our website at

Have a great day.


Justin List
Owner: Better Bodies on Campbell

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